Even though many of them perform in curious and personal ways, several artists already have an excellent cyber presence representing their work, their niches and their groups, even before all the chaotic and downward spiraling situation of 2020. Some with a bit more contact with this tiny digital realm recognize obstacles and, almost as indirectly, act as tutors for interested or, for the most part, newcomers without much choice. From and for these newbies, a handful of new questions and puzzles arise, requiring much more creativity and reasoning for problem-solving, from independent producers seeking publicity and space to large studios with a large marketing team.
In the name of the preservation of their lifestyles, the harmony together with theatrical ethical foundations and by the indefinite period for normality to come, the lack of adaptation ends up being extremely debilitating to those who do not try or for any reason cannot reconfigure their art at a virtual, tacit level.
Nowadays, knowing where to obtain the necessary support, without compromising what you already do and in the exceptional way you do it, seems to be the most fundamental basis for the future that is coming, for you to be part of it, and for that possibly the most precedent influences are not increasingly repressed. The value of art has always existed in volatile contexts, iconizing history, anthropology, geography, and especially, languages and communication. As long as there is somewhere to get information and learn new things, this value, however sensitive it may change or be, will still remain precious to all who seek it and to those who can be encouraged to.