um pouco difícil de entender o que tá se passando aqui... no caso vc usou que programa pra fazer a animação?
um pouco difícil de entender o que tá se passando aqui... no caso vc usou que programa pra fazer a animação?
Paint, utilizando técnicas minha. o título leu? Procrastinação, fala para que você nunca deixe para fazer amanhã, o que tem para fazer hoje 👍
free based permit if you reply to this review
Very patrician reference, my friend.
How much did all that cost...!?
WELL... it wasn't cheap, i'll tell you that much, lol
if you repl yto tits review you'r coo
Woo I'm cool!
You are an incredible artist. Thank you so much for this.
Thanks Brewstice, glad you enjoyed it!
what's the name of this voice generator
if you can read this and you know please pm me
It's all my real voice
...Why couldn't it be just a gif though?
Thanks for the question, my good sir. Your right it could be a gif. But on our end we are trying to develop a pipeline to makeing short cartoons which incorperate sound and a bit of editing. Hopefully these simple projects grow to bigger more polished ones that might, in time, impress you. Plus we wanted to add it to our youtube channel and having a silent gif would be strange. So just think about it as a gif with a bit of pizzazz.
What song did you use?
I made it :)
OST coming soon...
Give it a read. You might like it.
As an unrenowned five time ex-communicated and re-communicated pope of accordance to discordance, I have been known to suckle the celestial milk from the needle's eye of Concordia's splendiferous monkeyshine.
Please stop using shampoo!"
I'm not an artist (read in 'Supa Hot Fire')
"pfp by
South America
Joined on 6/8/17